Monday, May 07, 2007

wagons ho!

The deal is done and my home is sold. I have to be out before the end of the month. So this is my fare thee well ... for now at least.

It doesn't seem quite real yet but I am sure it will begin to sink in next week when I start packing. Soon the 'puter will be in a box but it may be soon that I invest in a laptop so I can better stay in touch.

It's exciting and exhausting at the same time ... even though it's just begun. Today I plan to tell my boss that I will soon be a memory. Then it will be arranging for disconnecting the various services and next I have to make all the change of address arrangements for the core services, even though I don't know where I am going yet (maybe a PO Box or General Delivery will do for now). Then it's the moving everything, finding a new job and a new home ... and so on and so on.

Whew! For someone who doesn't like change (mostly) I am in for some big changes all at once but I am looking forward to it. Exhausting as it may be it is mostly exciting!